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The Florida League runs on GotSport platform. GotSport is far from perfect, but we have no choice.

Please refer to their GotSport Support Zendesk for general support.

New for 2023/2024 Season

Virtual Passes

TFL (and EDP and GHSL, and possibly others) ACCEPT both VIRTUAL IDs and laminated passes. Proper Laminated passes look like these.


What are and what ARE NOT "Virtual IDs":

  • Virtual IDs are swipeable smartphone versions of Player Passes that are a direct link to player passes in GotSport. They are generated by GotSport and are live representations of the player passes, including suspensions and removal from the team.

  • PDF files, photos, scans, slideshows, or any other attempt to present something to you as a Virtual ID should NOT BE ACCEPTED and should be reported to the League immediately.

  • Referee education is everyone's job; spread the word. Not every event accepts these, and if abuse is not eradicated before it even starts, these will go away as fast as they appeared.



Fellow Coaches, Team Managers and Club Leaders - (1st see above)

TFL (and EDP, SFPL, GHSL, and possibly others) ACCEPT both VIRTUAL IDs and laminated passes. Proper Laminated passes look like these.


How do I access my Team's Virtual IDs?



  • Anything other than laminated passes or PROPER Virtual IDs as described above IS NOT ACCEPTED

  • A photo of a pass IS NOT A Virtual ID

  • A screenshot IS NOT a Virtual ID​​​


Player may participate with 2 teams on the same day

FYSA Board Rule Amendment passed on Thursday 8/24/2023, to be ratified next AGM. We are adopting the change in TFL starting with the Fall season:

205.3 Club pass is permitted, and a player may be rostered to multiple teams within the same affiliate at one time during a seasonal year. FYSA sanctioned competitions (league play and tournaments) may adopt rules to allow the use of Club Pass players up to the maximum roster size:

A. 13U – 19U teams – Total roster size, including club pass players, is capped at twenty-two ( 22). Teams shall name eighteen (18) eligible players for each game.

B. 11U – 12U teams – Total roster size, including club pass players, is capped at sixteen (16).

C. A player may only participate with a maximum of two (2) teams per day.

D. A player may not participate in more than two games per day, whether for one team or two different teams.

Extended Self Scheduling and Game Change logs

Experiment that will make the league easier to run, and easier to participate in, if everyone behaves. More info SOON.


Caution use at your own risk, fines ahead.

Did you miss the Fall Meeting?

Thank you to those who attended in person or by Zoom.

For Coaches and Managers

Rules and Regulations


Check out our ever-growing DOCUMENTS COLLECTION

How to change a game?

STEP 1 - Home Games Self-Scheduling (by your Club rep, limited time after schedule release)


STEP 2 - Negotiate changes using GotSport CHAT functionality


STEP 3 - After an agreement was reached, use the Change Request Form

STEP 4 - Opposite team should Respond/Agree to the request (the League will process it)

How to report game scores and red cards or ejections

The referee crew must score games before they leave the field. Alternatively, the home team or home club is responsible for scoring the game by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday following the weekend game.


Even stricter rules apply to red cards, ejections or no-shows, and any game suspension.


Unreported games will be fined as per the League Rules.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Check out our FAQ Document HERE


Submit a question to be added to FAQs by sending an email to

For Club Admins and Club Reps


All fines, suspensions, and payment links can be found on THIS PAGE.

Download the Suspensions and fines list as a PDF file HERE

How to change a game?

STEP 1 - Home Games Self-Scheduling (by your Club rep, limited time after schedule release)


STEP 2 - Negotiate changes using GotSport CHAT functionality


STEP 3 - After an agreement was reached, use the Change Request Form

STEP 4 - Opposite team should Respond/Agree to the request (the League will process it)

How to report game scores and red cards or ejections

The referee crew must score games before they leave the field. Alternatively, the home team or home club is responsible for scoring the game by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday following the weekend game.


Even stricter rules apply to red cards, ejections or no-shows, and any game suspension.


Unreported games will be fined as per the League Rules.

Past Results

© 2025 The Florida League

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